CP5. Implementation of Child Protection Plans
For a record of all amendments and updates, see the Amendments & Archives.
Specific definitions of key concepts used by safeguarding practitioners are available through the Glossary.
In September 2021, minor amendments were made throughout and the timescale how frequently the lead social worker should see a child subject to a plan was specified (see Section 5.4, The lead social worker role).1. Introduction
1.1 |
When a conference decides that a child should be the subject of a child protection plan, a qualified and experienced local authority children's social worker must be appointed as the lead social worker to co-ordinate all aspects of the inter-agency child protection plan. |
1.2 |
The core group is the forum to co-ordinate this multi-agency work and the membership will have been identified at the initial child protection conference. |
2. Core Group
Responsibilities |
2.1 |
The core group is responsible for the detailed formulation and implementation of the child protection plan, previously outlined at the conference. Agencies should ensure that members of the core group undertake their roles and responsibilities effectively in accordance with the agreed child protection plan. All members of the core group are jointly responsible for:
2.2 |
If the lead social worker or any other involved professional has difficulty in seeing the child, the local authority children's social care manager / child protection adviser should be informed, as well as other core group members. This must result in a plan of action agreed between core group members and the police including consideration of convening a review conference. |
2.3 |
Where a child is admitted to hospital and it was not a planned admission the Core group should consider reconvening prior to the child being discharged in order to review the Child Protection Plan. In some instances a strategy discussion / meeting could be considered instead. |
Membership |
2.4 |
The initial child protection conference will specify the membership of the core group which must include:
2.5 |
Core groups are an important forum for working with parents, wider family members, and children of sufficient age and understanding. Where there are conflicts of interest between family members in the work of the core group, the child's best interests should always take precedence (see: Understanding and dealing with issues relating to parental responsibility). |
Timing |
2.6 |
The date of the first core group meeting must be within ten working days of the initial child protection conference. After that the core group should meet within six weeks of the first meeting and at a minimum frequency of once every two months following the first review conference. More regular meetings may be required according to the needs and age of the child. |
2.7 |
The first core group meeting date must be arranged at the end of the conference, along with the required frequency of subsequent meetings. |
2.8 |
Dates for future meetings must be agreed at the first core group meeting following each conference. Where a meeting needs to be rescheduled, this must be confirmed in writing to all concerned by the lead social worker. |
3. Formulation of Child Protection Plan
Purpose of child protection plan |
3.1 |
The purpose of a child protection plan is to facilitate and make explicit a co-ordinated approach to:
3.2 |
The plan must be explicit in explaining to parents:
3.3 |
Review of progress on achieving the outcomes set out in the child protection plan and consideration as to whether changes need to be made to the plan should be an agenda item at each review conference and core group meeting. The child protection plan should include contingency plans should there be no evidence of change in relation to the child's safety and welfare. |
3.4 |
The child protection plan may be used as evidence, in any legal proceedings, of the efforts that have been made to work in partnership (this must be made clear to parents). For further details about the development of the CP plan, the interventions and services including the decision making - see: Complaints in Relation to Child Protection Conference Procedure. |
Detailed child protection plan - written agreement |
3.5 |
The lead social worker must ensure that there is a record of the core group meetings and must ensure that they formulate the detailed child protection plan in the form of a written agreement. Each safeguarding partnership should ensure that standard arrangements for the recording of the written agreement are in place. |
3.6 |
The child protection plan / agreement should take into consideration the wishes and feelings of the child, and the views of the parents, insofar as they are consistent with the child's welfare. The lead social worker should make every effort to ensure that the child/ren and parents have a clear understanding of the planned outcomes, that they accept the plan and are willing to work to it. The completed child protection plan / agreement should be explained to the child in a manner suitable for their age and understanding. The child should be given a copy of the plan written at a level appropriate to their age and understanding, and in their preferred language. |
3.7 |
Professionals should ensure that the parents understand:
3.8 |
If the parents' preferences have not been accepted in the plan / agreement about how best to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child, the reasons for this should be explained. Parents should be told about their right to complain and make representations, and how to do so. |
3.9 |
All parties should be clear about the respective roles and responsibilities of family members and different agencies in implementing the child protection plan / agreement. |
3.10 |
Copies of the notes and the written agreement should be circulated to core group members within five working days of the core group meeting. Implementation of the child protection plan must begin immediately. |
3.11 |
Any disagreements should have been discussed at the core group meeting, recorded with reasons and reflected appropriately in the written plan / agreement. It is permissible to rely on electronic signatures or emails confirming acceptance of an agency's responsibilities under the child protection plan, but all such signatures and emails must be collected in the child's local authority children's social care record. |
3.12 |
The child protection plan / agreement should also be on the adult service user's record if the parent is known to local authority adult social care or health services. |
3.13 |
All agencies are responsible for the implementation of the child protection plan and all professionals must ensure they are able to deliver their commitments or, if not possible, that these are re-negotiated. |
4. The Lead Social Worker Role
4.1 |
It is important that the role of the lead social worker is fully explained at the initial child protection conference and at the core group. |
4.2 |
At every initial or pre-birth conference, where a child protection plan is put into place, the conference chair must name a qualified social worker, identified by the local authority children's social care manager, to fulfil the role of lead social worker for the child. |
4.3 |
The lead social worker should complete the assessment of the child and family, securing contributions from core group members and others as necessary. They should co-ordinate the contribution of family members and other agencies to plan the actions which need to be taken, put the child protection plan into effect, and review progress against the planned outcomes set out in the plan. |
4.4 |
The lead social worker should also regularly ascertain the child's wishes and feelings, and keep the child up to date with the child protection plan and any developments or changes. |
4.5 |
The lead social worker should:
5. Difficulties in implementing the child protection plan
5.1 |
Where any member of the core group is aware of difficulties implementing the protection plan, the lead social worker must be informed immediately and a core group meeting / discussion co-ordinated to consider other interventions that may assist with the implementation of the child protection plan. Changes to the plan may only be agreed at a child protection conference. If there are immediate concerns about the safety of a child, a strategy discussion/meeting should be convened to consider the need for immediate emergency police action to gain access to a premises where appropriate, legal action, a s47 enquiry, and/or to bring forward the date of the review child protection conference. Arranging a legal planning meeting should be considered by the lead social worker with their line manager. |
5.2 |
Circumstances about which the lead social worker should be informed include inability to gain access to a child who is subject to a child protection plan, for whatever reasons, on two consecutive home visits (the second visit being a second attempt to see the child in close succession of the first attempt). |
5.3 |
If members are concerned that there are difficulties implementing the protection plan arising from disagreement amongst professional agencies or a core group member not carrying out agreed responsibilities this must be addressed by: