Appendix 7: A guide to the acronyms used in these procedures

For amendments and updates, see the Amendments & Archives.
Caption: Appendix 7
A&E Accident and Emergency Department
ALDCS Association of London Directors of Children's Services
APA Annual Performance Assessment
ASSET Youth Justice Assessment Tool
AWS Army Welfare Service
BECTA British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
CAIT Child Abuse Investigation Team
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CAFCASS Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
CCPAS Churches Child Protection Advisory Service
CDOP Child Death Overview Panel
CDRP Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership
CEOP Child Exploitation and On-line Protection Centre
CPS The Crown Prosecution Service
CPSU Child Protection in Sport Unit
CQC Care Quality Commission
CRB Criminal Records Bureau
CSAS Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service
CSO Child Safety Order
CSU Community Safety Unit
CWDC Children's Workforce Development Council
CYPP Children and Young Peoples Plan
DASH Domestic, abuse, stalking and harassment and honour based violence
DATs Drug Action Teams
DCPs Dental practitioner and dental care professionals
DCS Director of Children's Services
DfE Department for Education (previously the DCSF & DfES)
DH The Department of Health
DO Designated Officer (formerly know as the LADO)
DPA Data Protection Act
ECM Every Child Matters
EPO Emergency Protection Order
EYFS Early years foundation stage
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FE Further Education
FGC Family Group Conference
FGM Female Genital Mutilation
FII Fabricated and induced illness
FIP Family Intervention Project
UK GDPR UK General Data Protection Regulations
GLA Greater London Authority
GMC General Medical Council
GP General Practitioner
HMI Probation Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation
HMIC Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary
ICS Integrated Children's System
ICT Information and Communication Technology
INI IMPACT Nominal Index
IRO Independent Reviewing Officer
ISA Independent Safeguarding Authority
JAR Joint Area Review
JIT Joint Investigation Team
JSP Joint Service Publication
LA Local authority
LASSL Local Authority Social Services Letter
LFEPA The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority
LL/LT Life limiting / life threatening
LSCP Local Safeguarding Children Partnership
MAPPA Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
MARAC Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference
ME Medical Examiner
MPS Metropolitan Police Service
MSCR MAPPA Serious Case Review
NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NOMS National Offender Management Service
NPCC National Police Chiefs' Council
NPFS Naval Personal and Family Service
NPIA National Police Improvement Agency
NRM National Referral Mechanism
NSF National Service Framework
OFSTED Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
ONS Office for National Statistics
ONSET Youth Justice Prevention Assessment Tool
OSSys Offender Assessment Sytem
PACE Police and Criminal Evidence Act
PCT Primary Care Trust
PHCT Primary Health Care Team
PND Police National Database
PPO Probation and Prisons Ombudsman
PSA Parenting Support Advisor
PSHE Personal Social and Health Education
RN Royal Navy
RSHO Risk of Sexual Harm Order
RSL Registered Social Landlord
SARC Sexual Assault Referral Centre
SARS Sexual Assault Referral Service
SCH Secure Children's Home
SCR Serious Case Review
SEN Special Educational Needs
SFO Serious Further Offence
SHA Strategic Health Authority
SMB Strategic Management Board
SMG Strategic Management Group
SOPO Sexual Offence Prevention Order
STC Secure Training Centre
SUDI Sudden unexpected death in infancy
TAC Team around the child
TfL Transport for London
TSA Tenant Services Authority
UASC Unaccompanied asylum seeking child
UKBA UK Borders Agency
UKHTC UK Human Trafficking Centre
VBS Vetting and Barring Scheme
VISOR The Violent and Sexual Offenders Register
VOO Violent Offender Order
YCW Youth and community worker
YJB Youth Justice Board
YJS Youth Justice System
YOI Young Offender Institution
YOT Youth Offending Team